With Work-life balance being highlighted as a source of stress at work, ahead of even Career Advancement and Workplace Relationships by all of those who engaged with our survey, it got us wondering:
Can we as leaders contribute towards supporting that work-life balance that our employees value?
Can managers or leaders play a role in mitigating work related stress?
We, at Equilibrio Advisory LLP, strongly believe that the management techniques, perspectives and policies adopted by workplace leaders and decision makers have the ability to influence the experience of each employee at the workplace.
Empathetic, inclusive engagement with the team,
regular connects,
a flexible approach,
planning and preparation while pre-empting crisis can go a long way towards building cohesion, pathways to access support and creating a space where employees feel valued as whole individuals with an existence even outside their role at the #workplace.
Through open non-judgemental #dialogue, it is possible to find solutions that can be to the benefit of both the organisation and the employee.
Most importantly, to develop the ability and skill required to:
– Walk the talk and promote self-care and balance through action
– Be vulnerable ourselves &
– Identify the signs of stress, and to be able to respond in our capacity as managers or refer the individual to a professional for support
Remember you too, as managers, leaders and decision makers are not alone in your journey, and it’s okay to feel all that you are feeling.

Mental Health at Work
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